Autumn Woods Residential Health offers top-notch rehabilitation and residential care for patients in need of specialized treatment. Our dedicated team provides patients with effective techniques for a speedy recovery, ensuring a quality stay that feels just like home. We take pride in our professionalism with a personal touch, striving to be the number one choice for rehabilitation and residence.
Our cutting-edge subacute and orthopedic rehabilitation programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient, prioritizing effective treatment for a range of conditions. We offer personalized care plans for optimal outcomes, with private and semi-private rooms featuring comfortable amenities including TV and cable. Our facility is PACE certified for long-term, short-term, and respite services, offering 20 free days of Medicare Rehab coverage and assistance in maximizing insurance benefits.
Autumn Woods Residential Health also provides specialized support for veterans, guiding patients in accessing entitled benefits and offering diverse programs to enrich the lives of residents. Our experienced medical team includes skilled physicians, therapists, and nursing staff who provide compassionate care and support to ensure the well-being of our patients. Personal physicians are welcome for continued care, and our facility hosts support and seminar calendars for ongoing education.
Visitors are welcome to tour our facility and learn more about our medical team, entrusting their health to the skilled and compassionate professionals at Autumn Woods Residential Health. Our goal is to provide a comfortable and supportive environment where patients can recover and thrive, with individualized care plans and a range of services to meet their unique needs.