What is Assisted Living?

Assisted living communities provide the perfect home-like environment for older adults who want to maintain their independence but at the same time want to receive support in terms of physical assistance, medicine management and administration, daily activities and more. Usually, a monthly rent is paid towards a private room or apartment and oftentimes additional needs such as assistance with bathing, dressing, eating, and general hygiene maintenance can be included.

Assisted living amenities

Typically, residents of assisted living facilities have access to designated common areas within the community. An area that is often found populated with residents is the dining room, where everyone gathers to have meals together. Additionally, depending on size and scale, there can also be a theatre room, a game room, a library, a swimming pool, walking paths and courtyards. Certain locations even boast of luxury options such as pubs and spas!

Why choose assisted living facilities?

Perhaps the biggest motivation to opt for an assisted living facility is to receive around-the-clock care instead of having people help with it at home and waiting on them to do so. When it comes to dealing with old-age individuals, a special kind of training is given to staff members so that they are well-equipped to deliver adequate assistance and to be prepared for any emergencies that may crop-up. One can also expect caregiver support and an emergency response team on-call 24/7.

Benefits of assisted living

Assisted living care provides independence without compromising on the dignity of residents by supporting them in various areas of their life. These include:

  • Medication management/administration
    Managing medication and taking the right tablets at the right time can become a tedious and difficult affair. Staff members can keep track of which medication is to be taken at what time, and subsequently help in providing reminders as well as administering them to those who are unable to do so by themselves.

  • Nutrition management
    Individualized dietary menus are created to facilitate proper nutrition intake and to mitigate the effects of prior conditions or deficiencies.

  • Daily life management
    Staff members are always available to provide physical or mental support, the level of which is determined by the individual needs and capabilities of residents. Some may only need reminders while others may need help with walking, grooming, and maintaining personal hygiene – such assistance is provided for by certified staff members.

  • Ensuring safety
    Assisted living facilities are specifically structured with the mobility of elderly residents in mind which means that railings are provided alongside walls for walking support, around-the-clock security and caregiving options are made available to make sure that all their needs are properly met, and alarm systems are ever-active in the case of emergencies.

  • Quality of life
    The biggest focus of assisted living facilities is to maintain a sense of not just independence and dignity among its residents, but also to foster a sense of community and promote the pursuit of interests, hobbies and spiritual exploration.

Choosing to submit a loved one to the care of an assisted living community can be a difficult choice because of the oft-accompanying guilt at the thought of them leaving. However, the benefits of a well-run facility far outweigh its costs. The goal of these communities is to specifically arrange for elderly residents to enjoy ideal conditions within which they can cultivate a content life even as their daily concerns are attended to by staff members. This allows for them to say pursue their interests or to simply sit back, relax and read a good book.

Ready to start your search?

Dee can help you find the right assisted living community in the Bay Area — Call today for a free consultation.

(510) 508-4507
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