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  4. Lynwood
  5. Highland Manor Assisted Living

Highland Manor Assisted Living

3570 E Imperial Hwy,, Lynwood, CA 90262, USA

Levels of care offered

  • Assisted living


Speak to a local care advisor now:  (510) 508-4507


People often ask...

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    How much does Highland Manor Assisted Living cost per month?

    Highland Manor Assisted Living offers competitive pricing, with rates starting at a cost of $1,500 per month.

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    What levels of care does this community offer?

    Highland Manor Assisted Living offers assisted living and board and care.

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    Are there photos of this home?

    There are 8 photos of Highland Manor Assisted Living on Mirador.

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    What is Highland Manor Assisted Living's address?

    The full address for this community is 3570 E Imperial Hwy,, Lynwood, CA 90262, USA.

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    Does this community offer respite care?

    Yes, Highland Manor Assisted Living offers respite care.

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